This show is absolutely boring. I loved the Bengals season last year and even the Cowboys the year before that was interesting. Watching Rex Ryan walk around and sneak snacks is not what i call entertainment. The portion of this weeks episode that focused on Antonio Cromarties 13 children and how he struggles with naming all of them was ridiculous.
This show has taught me nothing about our team that I didn't already know except what a great talent we have in John Connor. The young FB out of Kentucky is going to rattle some cages this season. I did like when they showed or QB coach tearing into #6 about constantly pouting every time he makes a mistake. That was my only real criticism of him last year. Mike Pettine is featured much more than I expected and it's obvious he is much more than Rex's piss boy.
They have finally stopped talking about Revis, thank god! Like I have said before, one player doesn't win or lose you Superbowls. If it is meant to be, we will do it with or without #24. Woody has had much more media exposure since the start of the summer. He is enamored with his plain jane new stadium, and he keeps weighing in on the Revis holdout. I wish he would crawl back under that rock he has been hiding under since the west-side stadium deal fell apart. Sign the checks and shut up!
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