I know Lito Sheppards performance against the Giants concerns a lot of fans. He will be fine this year. I think he was probably a bit beat up from a long hard training camp, and thats why he was holding and tugging on the guys he was covering. I feel 100% comfortable that Rex will rest up the players who are nicked up and have everyone fresh for Houston.
I know that we are lucky to be a healthy team as the preseason is ending. Other than the two suspensions to Ellis and Pace we should have all of our players available. I'll make one final observation of the Jets preseason... I have seen enough of Leon Washington... he doesn't need to be on the field with the 2nd and 3rd string players this week and he doesn't need to return any kicks. One bad hit and the most dynamic player on our offense could be injured.
As for the rest of the league...
I know the Bears offense has the potential to really step up this year. On the other side of that coin, I would be shocked if Josh McDaniels survives this season as the Broncos headcoach. Orton is a train wreck and Marshall will make his teammates lives pure hell. After everything that has happened with the Bronco's talented, and very disgruntled WR I just wouldn't touch him in any trade. Should be fun to watch... if you aren't a Denver fan. I have been very clear about my opinion of McDaniels in a previous post: Your Not Belichick
As for Tom Terrific from Chowderville. Tom Brady ran his mouth after their first preseason game saying he was disappointed he didn't get a big hit. In the NFL thats a huge mistake. Albert Hanesworth answered Tom's taunts by pile driving him into the turf this weekend when the Pats faced the Redskins.
I know that his throwing shoulder is injured. If I had to guess I would say he has a torn rotator cuff. Today two very significant things happened in New England. Teddy Bruschi decided to retire and walk away from a 13 year career and the Pats dropped their inexperienced back up QB O'Connell, and are in the market for a veteran.
All of that points to Belichick scrambling to salvage a season and Teddy calling it quits because he knows he has little chance of getting another ring without Brady. Tom may try to make a go of it like Pennington did in 2004, but he won't be his old self with a damaged throwing shoulder. I am not proud of this, but I do like watching him suffer. Karma is a bitch, cheaters always get theirs.
Finally Brett Favre will start for the Vikings and as long as they are .500 or better he should have a smooth ride in Minnesota. They have a very easy schedule starting out so things should be OK. However, I know that if they fall below .500 at any point this season, his teammates will turn on him like a bunch of wild dogs with a rabbit for a QB.